Saturday, March 27, 2010

An Omelette and a Glass of Wine

Elizabeth David published her book called An Omelette and a Glass of Wine in 1984. It is a collection of articles she wrote for various publications. I've read parts of it, and they are very good, both as writing and as advice. What I remember most is just the title, which is a recipe all its own in a way. When you come home late from something that kept you from having dinner, but you don't want too much and you don't want to wait long, this is IT.

How to Cook a Wolf, written by MFK Fisher, was published in 1942. It was advice to troubled, untraveled Americans from a worldly woman about how to eat well in lean times, how to take what was available and make a tasty meal of it, no matter what.

Take day-old mashed potatoes (kept covered in the fridge to keep in the moisture), let them warm to room temperature, re-mash with a fork to soften, mix with flour until you get a smooth(ish) workable dough, with your hands, form the dough into a ball and then into a long stick shape about three-quarters of an inch thick. Cut one and a half inch pieces from the stick at an angle and toss these a few at a time into boiling water. Remove and put in a buttered, oven proof dish. Make layers of the potato/flour pieces, drizzling melted butter and parmesan cheese over each layer. Bake, and then eat your gnocchi. With a glass of wine. Longer version, one of a million, and image from here.

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